Best 10 Caravan Gadgets In 2024 Picked by Our Team

The staff at Carac are passionate about caravanning and camping and have put their heads together to come up with the top 10 gadgets that will make your life easier on your next adventure.
1. Tammy’s Top Pick
Have you ever been caravanning on those humid evenings? When you'd like to open every window and door to let the van cool down overnight? ...BUT because your door is open, the window directly behind can’t be!
The Door Latch is able to attach to your existing door latch and adjust to several lengths to allow for different degrees of window openings.
Check out the Door Latch/Extender.
2. Justin’s No. 1!
Never run out of gas again! Measure & monitor gas levels with this beauty, communicating with your smartphones via Bluetooth.
Check out BMPRO SmartSense
3. Glenn’s Top Gadget
The Topargee Surface Mount Water Gauge is a MUST for those loving the adventure of bush & free camping, you will always know how much water is in your tanks. Less time to worry, more time for fun!
Check out Topargee Surface mount Water Tank Gauge
4. Andy’s Picnic Success
Protect your camp cooker from the wind and keep the area around your cooker cleaner when using a fry pan.
Check out 4 Panel Gas Guard By Jimmy's Thunderbox
5. Ash’s Clever pick
The Cable Saver saves your fridge cables from getting caught and jammed; keeping them up and away from the bearing runner.
Check out Clearview Cable Saver
6. Jude’s Twist Saving Pick
Don’t get lost in a sea of leads? Ready for your power extension lead or a myriad of other uses such as anderson leads, coaxial cable, sprinkler hoses, strip LED lights and more. Flat Out Compact Multi-Reel neatly stacks with itself and other Compact Multi-Reel products. Winner!!
Check out the Compat Multi-Reel in Electric Blue
7. Jim’s Winning Formula
No more manual winding. You will wonder why you did not get one sooner.
Check out the Black Jack Electric Trailer Jack Kit
8. Julie’s Juggernaut
Designed to make your camping experience quick, simple and organised. The Tiegear ropes clip directly to your awning, tent or caravan making it easy to connect and disconnect your Guy Ropes so that they're not in your way when packing up. More time for relaxation, what a ripper!
Check out the Tiegear Guy Rope
9. Bernard’s Best
Keep your hitch squeaky clean from the elements, dust and salt air. This one is a winner!
Check out the Navigator Tow Hitch Buddy
10. Shane’s Tidy Bliss
These are the envy of any camper. Reuse your grocery bags & other tidy bags, quick and easy to assemble and use - attach to a pole or wall mount, keeps flies and insects out of the rubbish, keeps campsite tidy, keeps rubbish off the ground and away from animals. Win Win!
Check out the Croc Bin
Our top 10 list doesn't stop at ten because Gary's favourite pick was just too good to be left out!
Simply level your trailer, insert the weight scale under the coupling, lower the jockey wheel or Black Jack and take the reading. So much information to be gained from such a small unit.
Check out the Black Jack Weight Scale